Student organizations are formed to encourage on-campus student participation and engagement. Students have opportunities to network with others in their program areas as well as with faculty and staff advisors. Participation in student organizations helps to develop students’ leadership skills, promotes social interactions, and encourages students to become involved in community and civic activities. Students interested in joining should consult with their advisor to obtain more information.
- Student Professional Organizations
- Chartering New Student Organizations
- Rules and Regulations Governing Student Organizations
- Student Organization Fundraising
- Campus Life
- Decision Making Process
Chartering New Student Organization
Flexibility is the basis for forming and dissolving student organizations. The College sanctions campus organizations when students or faculty express an interest in creating one, and the College dissolves organizations when there is a lack of interest or the organization is no longer serving a need. Students who wish to charter a new student organization must submit the following information in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs:
• Name of organization;
• Names of students filing the proposal;
• Purpose of the organization, including an explanation of its need;
• Qualifications for membership;
• Proposed membership fees;
• Number of students wishing to join;
• Officer and leadership structure;
• Time and process for the election of officers;
• Explanation of extra-campus affiliations, such as national parent organizations;
• Proposed bylaws and charter, including guarantees that student organizations will abide by the College’s non-discrimination policies and the Student Code of Conduct;
• Proposed meeting schedule; and
• Signed statement from a faculty or staff member of Savannah Technical College signifying agreement to serve as the advisor for the organization.
The Student Activities Coordinator will examine charter applications and reject those not properly submitted. After this review, the coordinator will submit charter applications to the Vice President for Student Affairs and President for final approval.
The College recognizes those organizations whose purposes and proposed activities clearly relate to the educational goals and mission of the College. The College will deny recognition if evidence shows that proposed organizations will likely interfere or conflict with the educational process of the College or the regular and orderly operation of the College; appropriate discipline within the College Community; academic pursuits of teaching, learning, and other campus activities; laws or public policies of the State of Georgia and the United States; and/or regulations of the College and the policies of the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia.
If the Student Activities Coordinator denies recognition, students submitting the charter application may appeal the decision to the Vice President for Student Affairs. If the Vice President denies recognition, students may appeal the decision to the President of the College. The decision of the President shall be final.
Approval of charters authorizes new organizations to use college facilities and equipment, subject to policies established by the College and the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia. In receiving approval, new organizations are eligible to receive student activities funds, subject to the policies of the College and Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia that govern the allocation of student activity fees through the Executive Board of the Student Leadership Council.
There are a number of opportunities and services available for registered organizations, such as:
- Increases visibility, accessibility and membership.
- Establishes account with Student Activities/ Business Office.
- Allows fundraisers on campus.
- Promotes advertising which includes post flyers, posters and banners on campus.
- Reserves space and/or equipment on campus.
- Provides school vehicles for field trips.
Rules and Regulations Governing Student Organizations
All student organizations must have faculty/staff advisors. The advisor is responsible for guiding club activities and ensuring that student organizations follow all rules and regulations of the College and the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia. Advisors must report any violations of these rules and regulations to the Coordinator of Career Services and Student Activities. Students who violate these rules and regulations are subject to the student disciplinary procedures as outlined in this catalog.
Activities of organizations must conform to the stated purposes in the organizational charters and bylaws. The College prohibits damage to College property, other entities, or people resulting from organizational activities, and student organizations are responsible for all
damages. Savannah Technical College also prohibits organizational activities that encourage disorderly conduct that interferes with regular and orderly operations of the College. No organization shall commit, encourage, condone, or contribute to violations of College rules and regulations, the policies of the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia, or the laws of the State of Georgia or the United States.
Organizations must carry out business transactions and contractual relations with punctual discharge of valid obligations and prudent use of funds. The use of allocated student activities monies must conform to the purposes and practices approved by the Executive Board of the Student Leadership Council. Organizations must submit all financial records to the Student Activities Coordinator each semester. Failure to submit financial records results in the forfeiture of allocated student activities monies for the remainder of the academic year.
To receive annual allocations of student activities monies, organizations must submit proposed budgets each Spring Semester to the Executive Board of the Student Leadership Council. In allocating student activities monies, the Executive Board takes into account membership activity, fundraising efforts during the preceding academic year, community activities, and campus-based activities designed to improve overall student experience.
The Student Activities Coordinator must approve all campus displays, including posters, notices, and banners. The College prohibits displays that litter the campus, damage College property, or materially interfere with the regular operations of the College. Campus displays or other materials produced by student organizations shall not contain material that is obscene or defamatory (as defined by the Code of Georgia, 26-20101).
The Student Activities Coordinator and the Vice President for Student Affairs periodically review the activities of all student organizations to determine if they are complying with College rules and regulations and to ensure that student fundraising activities are consistent with overall College objectives. Savannah Technical College may bring charges against recognized organizations for violating College rules and regulations. A judiciary body will hear these charges and render a verdict (see Student Disciplinary Policies and Procedures).
Student Organization Fundraising
The Student Activities Coordinator will only authorize fundraising activities for those student organizations officially chartered by the College. The College defines student organization fundraising as seeking donations or support from others; the selling and distribution of items, materials, products, or services; and the sponsorship of events where admission is charged. All fundraising events must be consistent with the policies and procedures of the College and the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia and the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States.
To receive approval, proposed student organization fundraising must comply with the following:
• Projects may not interfere with normal academic programs or functions.
• Fundraising activities may not take place in offices or classrooms, and organizations may only conduct fundraising activities in areas approved by the Student Activities Coordinator.
• Student organizations must submit all fundraising requests to the Student Activities Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the proposed events.
The Student Activities Coordinator will give priority to fundraising that is educational or directly relevant to the curriculum, philanthropic in nature, or beneficial to the entire College Community.
Offices or advisors of student organizations may not sign contracts until the Student Activities Coordinator and the Vice President for Administration Services approve the requests and contracts. Student organizations must document receipts and disbursements for each approved fundraising activity to the Business Office within five days after the completion of an activity. The business office must approve procedures for collecting money, and all checks must be payable to Savannah Technical College. Organizations can hold up to two fundraising events per semester. Organizations must submit separate requests for each
fundraising activity.
Failure to comply with these rules will be grounds to deny future requests. The College may deny fundraising requests for any of the following:
• Adequate resources are unavailable to assist in supporting projects.
• The requested activities are clearly outside the express purposes of the organization as stated in charters and/or bylaws.
• The organization is on disciplinary probation or suspension or is inactive. The risk factor is excessive.
• The requested activities are not consistent with the policies and procedures of the College or the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia and the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States.
• Another student organization is planning a fundraising activity during the dates requested.
Campus Life
Savannah Technical College is committed to meeting the educational needs of its students and recognizes that students benefit from involvement in campus organizations and activities. Savannah Technical College facilitates leadership development and personal enrichment by providing a variety of organizations and activities in which students may participate. The Student Affairs Division oversees all student activities and organizations. The Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee must approve all student activities in advance. Faculty and staff advisors of the organizations must be sure that the organizations observe all rules and
regulations of the College and hold true to the principles and purposes on which they were established.
Decision Making Progress
Student feedback and opinions play a significant role in institutional decisions affecting their interests. Students may also participate in the decision making process at Savannah Technical College through the Student Leadership Council (SLC), student professional organizations, task forces and committees, focus groups, various advisory committees, staff selection committees, and written evaluations of courses and services offered. The SLC plans college-wide activities and service projects each year. A comprehensive student satisfaction inventory is also given to large groups of students every other year to gather feedback on current issues and services provided. Students also contribute to decision-making through input they give on surveys and evaluations throughout the year such as the Graduating Student Survey.