
Email Accounts

Check Your Email

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your full STC provided email address.
    1. Make sure spelling is correct, and includes all s’s and dots.
  3. The default password is your date of birth in the format MMDDYYYY
  4. Click Sign-in

Student E-mail Issues and Password Resets

  • Email is activated 24 hours after the first time you register for class, and is disabled after two years.
  • If the student forgot their email password, they can click the ”Forgot my password” link in O365.
    • You will receive an email from rather than If you do not receive the email, check your spam folder.
    • It will take approximately 15 minutes for password changes to sync across all systems(i.e. BlackBoard, Banner).
  • If you have not setup alternative security challenges to enable password self-service in O365:
    1. Log into with your current credentials
    2. Click on user name located at the top right of the screen
    3. Select “Profile” and click the “Set up self-service password reset” link
    4. On the “don’t lose access to your account!” screen – Please setup the authentication options here.
  • If they continue to have issues or need a temporary password, then they can submit the “Student E-mail Issues and Password Reset” form on the STC website.     Click here.  Requests will be handled during normal business hours.