SkillsUSA Student Organization
Savannah Technical College students are encouraged to participate in SkillsUSA. Students that win gold at state competitions in March are qualified to compete in national competitions in June annually.
Here is a list of SkillsUSA student competitions. Please contact STC’s Skills USA coordinator Dan Krautheimer for information ( or 912.443.3395.
STC’s SkillsUSA national team has had podium placements the past few years (2022, 2019, 2018, 2017).
Previous STC SkillsUSA competitors photo album.
Savannah Tech’s SkillsUSA Team News:
- Community Service Team won gold in U.S. for Lion’s Club Savannah fundraiser (1 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze)
- Retired military graduate placed #2 in the U.S. for Barbering competition
- Early Childhood Care & Education Instructor named 2022 Advisor of the Year for SkillsUSA Georgia
- Savannah Tech is recognized for excellence at 2022 SkillsUSA Georgia conference
- Construction Management student wins Fine Homebuilding Scholarship
- Savannah Tech is named a national Model of Excellence chapter by SkillsUSA
- STC Business Management Instructor selected as Skills USA Regional Advisor of the Year
- Savannah Tech is recognized for excellence at 2021 SkillsUSA State Conference
About SkillsUSA
SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization that annually serves more than 320,000 high school, college and postsecondary students–and their instructors–in technical, skilled and service-occupation instructional programs. SkillsUSA is a national, nonprofit student organization that has developed more than 10 million workers through active partnerships between employers and educators. Hundreds of American industries have turned to SkillsUSA as the source for employees who exemplify “Champions at Work” in both skills and attitudes. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. At the heart of this mission are SkillsUSA’s core values: integrity, responsibility, citizenship, service and respect.
Savannah Technical College’s Achievements
Savannah Technical College is one of only 3 Georgia Postsecondary schools who have already successfully submitted their Chapter Excellence Program Level 1 application & are now certified Quality Chapters.