
Mission, Vision and Values

Mission Statement

Savannah Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public, two year college that provides world class education, skills training and lifelong learning opportunities through the delivery of associate degrees, diplomas, technical certificates of credit and non-credit economic development programs and adult education.  The College is committed to meeting the dynamic education, academic, and workforce development needs of individuals, employers and communities throughout the Coastal Empire with market-driven, environmentally-conscious education offered in the classroom, laboratory, community, and online.

Vision Statement

Savannah Technical College will continue to be the premier provider of world class education, skills training, and lifelong learning for success in a global economy with our guiding principles of quality, integrity and sustainability.


Savannah Technical College values quality, integrity and sustainability in all we do as individuals and as a teaching and learning community. We are committed to creating an environment that promotes behaviors and decisions to advance our mission and vision for success.