Repaying Your Student Loans
Repayment Options
As the loan borrower, it is your responsibility to keep track of your student loans and make your payments on time. You are required to repay your loan(s) whether or not you complete your education. To assist you in deciding the repayment plan that is best for you Federal Student Aid provides a complete breakdown of repayment options.
Check out these options:
- Repayment Plans –an agreement between you and your lender to pay monthly installments over a specific period of time.
- Loan Consolidation – combing several loans into a single loan with one monthly payment.
- Are you eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness?
If you find it difficult to repay your student loans there are alternative options to help you stay on track:
- Deferment – postpones repayment while continuing your education or due to economic hardship.
- Forbearance – a temporary postponement of loan payments. Interest accrues during forbearance.
**You must request a deferment or forbearance from your lender. If you have not applied for deferment or forbearance, you are responsible for paying your student loan payment on time and to the proper loan servicer**
Ed Financial Services
Top 10 List – Taking Control of Student Loan Debt
Retrieve your Student Loan information:
If you have student loans and you are not sure who to contact, the National Student Loan Database System is a great place to start. The National Student Loan Database System tracks your loans from the time you apply until you complete repayment; however, the NSLDS does NOT track private loans. New loans are reported to NSLDS within 30 days of receiving your funds. If you have been making payments on a loan, the outstanding principal balance listed by NSLDS may be as much as 120 days old. Contact your Loan Servicer for more current payment information.
You will need the 3 items below to log into the National Student Loan Data System:
- Social Security Number
- Date of birth
- FAFSA PIN number.