
Grading Scale and System

Savannah Technical College assigns grades based on a 4.0 grading scale. The grade of “F” represents failure and the grade of “WF” represents withdrawal while failing. “F” and “WF” are unacceptable credit in a course. These grades have numerical equivalents and are calculated in the Grade Point Average (GPA). Work ethics grades will not be included in the calculation of the GPA.

Students who are no-shows and students dropping a course or courses before the end of the third instructional day of the semester shall receive no grades for the applicable courses.

GPA Calculation:
Each letter grade has a point value (i.e., A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0).  A student may determine the grade points for each course by multiplying the number of points a grade is worth times the number of credit hours the course carries.  Thus, a “B” (worth 3 points) in a 3-credit hour course is worth 9 grade points and an “A” (worth 4 points) in the same 3-credit hour course is worth 12 grade points.  The Grade Point Average is calculated by adding the total grade point values for all courses and dividing the total number of credits attempted during the same period.


COMP1000 3 credit hours Grade A (4 points) = 12
MATH 1111 3 credit hours Grade C (2 points) = 6
BUSN 1240 3 credit hours Grade F (0 points) = 0
SPCH 1101 3 credit hours Grade B (3 points) = 9
27 points divided by 12 credits = 2.25 GPA
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)  includes all credit courses taken at the institution regardless of the program of study.  The CGPA is not affected by program of study, changes in program of study, or student classification.  The cumulative grade point average is that grade point average calculated on all attempts at all credit courses taken at Savannah Technical College.
  • Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) includes only those credit courses taken each semester at the institution.
  • Adjusted Graduation Grade Point Average is calculated only on those courses required for graduation from a specific major (program). When a course is taken more than once, the higher grade will be used in calculating the grade point average for graduation.

A graduating grade point average of “C” (2.0) is required in order to earn a technical certificate of credit, diploma, or degree at Savannah Technical College.  While a student may earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 which includes one or more grades of “D,” it is well to remember that grades below “C” will prohibit progression to the courses for which the current course is a prerequisite and will not count toward graduation.  Neither learning support nor work ethics shall affect the cumulative grade point average.

A grade represents an evaluation of a student’s academic performance in a class and is determined by criteria established by the faculty and communicated to students in the course syllabus. No grade less than a “C” is acceptable for graduation purposes within the student’s program of study. The Savannah Technical College grading system is as follows:

Quality Grade Points
Excellent A (90-100) 4.00
Good B (80-89) 3.00
Average C (70-79) 2.00
Below Average D (60-69) 1.00
Failure F (59 & below) 0.00
Withdrawn Failing WF Not Computed
Withdrawn Passing WP Not Computed
Incomplete I Not Computed
Withdrawn W Not Computed
Exempt EX Not Computed
Transfer Credit TR Not Computed
Satisfactory Completion S Not Computed
Unsatisfactory U Not Computed
Audit AU or V Not Computed
Workshop/Seminar WS  Not Computed
Learning Support Courses A* – F*  Not Computed

Grade Explanations

WF – (Withdrawn Failing) Indicates that a student was failing when he/she officially withdrew on or after midterm.
This is computed into the GPA as a grade of “F”.

WP – (Withdrawn Passing) Indicates that a student was passing when he/she officially withdrew on or after midterm. This is not computed into GPA.

I – (Incomplete) Indicates that a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of course work, but circumstances beyond the control of a student or an instructor prevent the completion of course requirements during a semester. An “I” (Incomplete) is recorded until final grade is established. The Incomplete is assigned only when the student has arranged with the instructor the specific procedures for fulfilling the course requirements. The coursework must be completed by midterm of the following semester or the grade will be changed to an “F” if a student does not register for the course in which he/she has an “I”. The student may complete the course at no additional cost.

W – (Withdrawn) Indicates that a student withdrew prior to midterm. The “W” is also used when a student withdraws from learning support courses, continuing education, or other non-credit courses. This is not computed into GPA.

EX – (Exempt) Indicates that a student has earned course credit based on an examination approved for course
exemption. This is not computed into GPA.

TR – (Transfer Credit) Indicates that a student has received transfer credit for courses taken at another institution. This is not computed into GPA.

S – (Satisfactory) Indicates satisfactory completion of assigned work. This is not computed into GPA.

U – (Unsatisfactory) Indicates unsatisfactory work. This is not computed into GPA.

AU – (Audit) Indicates that a course was audited. No credit is given. This is not computed into GPA.

WS – (Workshop/Seminar) Indicates participation in a non-credit workshop or seminar. This is not computed into GPA.

A* -F* (Learning Support Courses) Indicates the grade earned for any learning support course. This is not computed
in GPA but does count towards HOPE GPA.