Email Marketing
What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do?
This powerful seminar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing:
• What it really is (and isn’t)
• What it can do for your business
• And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox!
◦ Grow a healthy list
◦ Create great content
◦ Customize a beautiful, mobile-friendly template that matches your brand
◦ How to get your emails opened
◦ Tracking your results
Upcoming Sessions
Dates to Be Announced
Course Layout
Total Course Hours: 1.5
Course Type: Classroom
Course Cost
How To Register
Registering can be completed online in just 3 easy steps.
1. Click the “Register Now” Button below.
2. Complete the form with your contact information and select this course from the drop down menu of options and press submit.
3. We’ll take care of the rest!