ATLANTA, GA – Savannah Technical College ESL Instructor Mark Huguely was recognized as a finalist in TCSG – Technical College System of Georgia‘s Outstanding Teacher of the Year at the 30th annual EAGLE (Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education) conference. This recognition honors teachers who make significant contributions to the field through instruction, innovation, and leadership in adult education.
Huguely teaches Intermediate ESL in a hybrid model that allows students to decide daily if they will attend in person or online, in the morning or at night. This flexibility and his excellent teaching skills result in consistently high attendance and successful outcomes. He also teaches a GED class in Spanish for ESL students, who may be months away from obtaining a GED in Spanish but years from obtaining a GED in English.
Prior to the EAGLE conference, he was named STC’s Adult Education Instructor of the Year (2024). He stands with TCSG Commissioner Greg Dozier and Dr. Canyanna Good, TCSG’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Adult Education.
The EAGLE Leadership Institute recognizes and honors those students who have demonstrated superior achievement in adult education classes. Selection criteria include student character, attitude, attendance, leadership and community involvement and activities. From this group, one student is selected to represent the local program at the state EAGLE Leadership Institute (March 25-27, 2024). The Institute provides workshops in leadership topics to build on the strong leadership characteristics the student already exhibits.
EAGLE is the first statewide program in the nation that recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in adult education programs. This student recognition program is designed to create greater awareness of educational opportunities available in local communities across the state and to foster greater involvement in lifelong learning pursuits.
Savannah Tech’s Adult Education Program provides accessible and high-quality education, serving those who need to improve their basic literacy and math skills, improve their oral and written English, practice for the GED® test to attain an HSE degree, and prepare for college. Instructors also help students with science and social studies test preparation for GED® testing.
STC teaches adult education classes in the morning, afternoon, evening and online. They are offered in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham and Liberty Counties. Adult education classes for GED®-prep are currently free for all U.S. citizens. To register for free GED® classes, call 912.443.5446 or visit For GED® testing information, go to to sign up to take test or go to to learn more about our testing locations.
#2443 | April 26, 2024