Public Complaints
Savannah Technical College believes that it is in the best interest of the College that general public complaints concerning the construction or administration of policies, standards or procedures of the College be resolved at the administrative staff level. If resolution is not possible at this level, the following process is recommended.
First Level Complaint
General public complainant may make an oral or written complaint to any administrative staff member. The administrative staff member will try to resolve the complaint. If the person making the complaint is not satisfied with the decision of the administrative staff member or that person’s supervisor, a formal written complaint may be filed.
Formal Written Complaint
If a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome at the First Level, the complainant may file a formal written complaint using the following process:
- The complainant obtains a complaint form from the President’s secretary.
- The complainant will complete the form and return it to the President’s secretary.
- The President’s secretary will:
- Assign a complaint number;
- Enter the information into a complaint log;
- Prepare a case folder; and undefined undefined undefined undefined
- Forward the complaint to the president or designee.
- The President will formulate a review committee. None of the committee members shall be involved in the complaint.
- The President will inform the secretary of the persons to serve on the review committee.
- The secretary will then forward the case file to the members of the review committee.
- The review committee will gather information by interviewing the complainant and any witnesses, if appropriate, and determining if the case can be resolved without a hearing. If the matter is not resolved, the review committee will schedule a hearing on the complaint and render a decision.
Appeal Process
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the review committee, he/she may ask the President to review the decision.
A final appeal may be submitted in writing to the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), indicating the reasons for the appeal. The appeal to the Commissioner must be submitted within five (5) working days after receipt of the decision from the President.