
Q Film Fest Contest to Showcase Employability Skills

QEP Character holding movie clapboardSavannah Technical College students are invited to create a smartphone film to illustrate employability skills. The 30 sec – 2 min film will tell a story about employability and critical thinking skills and is due July 13. The top films will be presented to the college community on Wednesday, July 18 at Savannah, Liberty, and Effingham campuses. Students, faculty, and staff will vote on the top film submissions. See submission guidelines and contest rules below.

STC programs prepare students for hire-ability in the workforce. The most essential components employers look for are candidates that have BOTH a balance of high level technical job skills and development of soft skills to communicate and collaborate effectively in work relationships. Organizations remain competitive by employees excelling in: teamwork, flexibility, creativity, leadership, streamlined communication, effective conflict resolution and strong interaction with peers/clients.

Contest Guidelines: Students will produce a 30 second – 2 minutes video about Soft-Skills/Employability Skills. Individual or team submissions are welcomed. Film must be produced using a smartphone or tablet. The top films will be selected by the QEP Committee to be presented in the auditorium to the college community. Finalists will be notified via STC student email by Monday, July 16. Event attendees will vote on the top film finalists via live text poll in Eckburg Auditorium (standard messaging and data carrier rates apply). Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

For contest rules and entry form, visit:

The Q character was created to illustrate Savannah Technical College’s Quality Enhancement Program or QEP. This is an action plan that is required as a key component of the SACS reaffirmation process. The topic of the plan must address an issue that is related to enhancing the quality of student learning at STC. It provides the opportunity for our institution to “enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue or issues the institution considers important to improving student learning”.

Savannah Technical College serves Coastal Georgia with quality, market-driven technical education with campus locations in Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty Counties. Serving more than 10,000 credit and non-credit students annually, Savannah Tech offers nearly 150 different instructional programs in Aviation Technology, Business & Technology, General Education, Health Sciences, Industrial Technology, and Public Services in addition to Adult Education classes, industry-specific training and continuing education. The College serves as an economic and community development partner for the region, offering corporate and customized training and assessment programs for business and industry.

Savannah Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees, diplomas and technical certificates of credit. Questions about the accreditation of Savannah Technical College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (