Navigating Blackboard
How do I use Blackboard?
New to online learning? Check out these tutorials to assist you with navigating Blackboard Learn.
How to I take a test in Blackboard?
Tips for taking a test through Blackboard
How do I submit an assignment?
How do I Submit a Discussion Board Post?
How do I use the Virtual Text Box Editor?
For information on how to use Blackboard with JAWS, please reference the article: Navigating Blackboard Learn with JAWS.
How to I take a test in Blackboard?
Go to the test or survey and click on the title. On the next page, select Begin. Your instructor might require that you type a password to begin. If necessary, type the password and select Begin. The system continues to prompt for a valid password until you provide the correct one.
Tips for taking a test through Blackboard
- Take your test early. If your instructor makes a test available for three days, plan to take the test early on the first day. If you have an issue, you will have time to contact technical support and your instructor.
- If you have any trouble with your test or understanding test questions, contact your instructor immediately.
- A wired connection is more reliable than a wireless connection.
- Don’t refresh the page, close the window, or use the browser’s back button while you take a test
- If you have problems during a test, contact your instructor immediately.
How do I submit an assignment?
At this time, we recommend uploading a Word document when submitting an assignment.
Please follow the instructions below to submit an assignment:
- Open the assignment by clicking on the name of the assignment. On the Upload Assignment page, review the instructions, due date, points possible, and download any files provided by your instructor. If your instructor has added a rubric for grading, you can view it.
- Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer.
- Select Submit. The Review Submission History page appears with information about your submitted assignment and a success message with a confirmation number. Copy and save this number as proof of your submission. For assignments with multiple attempts, you receive a different number for each submission. You should also receive email notifications for submission receipts with your confirmation number and details each time you submit coursework.
-Or Submit an Assignment using the Blackboard Hot Spot-
- Drag files from your computer to the “hot spot” in the Attach Files area. If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn’t allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attach in the folder’s row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again. You can use the file name or provide another name for the file.
- Select Submit. The Review Submission History page appears with information about your submitted assignment and a success message with a confirmation number. Copy and save this number as proof of your submission. For assignments with multiple attempts, you receive a different number for each submission. You should also receive email notifications for submission receipts with your confirmation number and details each time you submit coursework.
Optionally, type Comments about your submission for your instructor before you Submit.
For information on submitting an assignment with JAWS, please reference the Blackboard Article: Submit Assignments with JAWS.
How do I Submit a Discussion Board Post?
You can create or reply to class discussions through the Discussion Board.
There are two ways that you can access the Discussion Board. The first way that you can access the Discussion Board is by clicking Discussion Board from the Course Menu. The second way is by clicking on a link from inside the Learning Units, if your instructor has created a link.
To create a thread, please follow the steps listed below.
- Open the Discussion Board forum from the Course Menu or inside the Learning Units.
- Click on the name of the forum. Across the top of the Discussion Forum page, click Create Thread.
- Type a subject and use the Virtual Text Box Editor to type your post. If you will be working on your post for longer than 20 minutes, then it is recommended that you save a draft every 20 minutes so that the internet connection does not time out.
- Once you have completed your post, click Submit.
You can reply to another students post by clicking on the name of the thread.
How do I use the Virtual Text Box Editor?
For more information on the Virtual Text Box Editor, please see the article What does the Editor Do?.