GEORGIA MATCH is a simple way for you (high school seniors) to know where you are eligible for admission (to be admitted for college), based on your recent high school calculated HOPE grade point average (GPA).
Get started with GEORGIA MATCH
- Sign into your GA FUTURES ACCOUNT
- Click on the GEORGIA MATCH tab to view your matches
- Click on the “REQUEST INFO” and/or “CLAIM YOUR SPOT!” when you’ve found the right college for you!
- Request info: College will contact you and share standard recruitment materials
- Claim your spot: College will contact you with information about completing the application process for Fall 2024.
How do I see my GEORGIA MATCH?
- A letter will be mailed to all public and private high school seniors identifying all of the TCSG and USG colleges that they are academically qualified to attend (confirmed match based on HOPE GPA).
- The GEORGIA MATCH letter contains only acceptances – showing students who never contemplated on applying how many colleges they could attend.
- The letter will be sent in October, allowing students to take advantage of November’s Apply to College month and waived application fees.