Savannah Technical College is a proud participant in the President’s Executive Order 13607, Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members (E.O. 13607).
As part of E.O. 13607, Savannah Technical College is committed to using the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet (Shopping Sheet) to provide all students, including prospective veteran and service member, with a personalized Shopping Sheet that contains standardized information describing the cost of attending and the federal and state financial aid available.
Once you complete the FAFSA application and your eligibility for federal and state financial aid is determined, you will receive an email from the financial aid office with instructions on how to access your Shopping Sheet. Your Shopping Sheet is available through your Banner Login. A Shopping Sheet will be issued with your initial award and each time modifications are made to your award throughout the year.
To learn more about the Shopping Sheet regulations visit U.S. Department of Education website.